DIADEM (Episode1) January 29, 2021 It was a beautiful Sunday morning. Diced plantains were hissing in the frying pan, pancakes piled up in a big tray and fried chicken… Continue Reading
FELIZ NAVIDAD: The Experience (Final) December 25, 2020 “You must be cold”, he said to me as he lay beside me “place your head on my chest”, I did and he wrapped his arm around me Thoughts battled within me, each thought fighting to be noticed… Continue Reading
FELIZ NAVIDAD: The Experience (Part 2) December 23, 2020 I woke up in a small room, half lit, empty and dirty; wondering how I got there, and then my mind went straight to Ikenna. “Is he safe?” I thought to myself. A man dressed in a red… Continue Reading
FELIZ NAVIDAD: The Experience (Part 1) December 22, 2020 “Wake up Wake up, someone just jumped into the compound” Ikenna whispered as he tapped me. I was too weak to stand up, that… Continue Reading