Consistency is birthed from the furnace of insistence, passion and resolved drive.
And for most of us who have already started making plans, this is definitely something to consider.
This New Year is not about long talks or tall tales.
Change is not easy.
No matter the form it comes in.
As you sit with your diaries and New Year memoranda, do you get apprehensive as to the angle this year will swing through?
What changes you’ll have to encounter?
To go anywhere in life, you need this-consistence especially when facing change.
A truckload size, a heap, a banana sized pile even-
Speaking of bananas, in the latest installment of Croods titled A New Age, voiced by remarkable voice artists such as Emma Stone and Peter Dingklage from “Game of Thrones”, we witness an interesting strategy by one Mr. BetterMan.
Set in the caveman era, where men were still learning to walk on their feet, and technology was just seeing the light of day, Croods is that zing that will keep you up in your seats.
Lush trees and colorful animals line every scene and it really is more interesting if you’re in the company of a younger one.
In one scene, Mr. Better man, who had found a much better way than the caveman way of living in caves, realized that he had to do one very interesting thing: feed bananas to a creature through a small cut out part of his big walls.
He had done this consistently, quelling the monster’s rage by this daily routine which known to him but unknown to everyone else kept the monster at bay.
Things get rather chaotic when our dear protagonist, Mr. Crood, irked by the idea of not having to get any of his much loved bananas, ate all the bananas in a frenzy, against Mr. BetterMan’s wishes.
So when the monster came knocking on the wall, poor Mr. BetterMan was indeed shocked when all the bananas, including the daily ration for the monster, kept by the wall is gone.
Watching this scene which inspired a huge part of this write up, I kept wondering how this could have gone better.
Up until then, Mr. Better man hadn’t seen this monster.
Just the rustlings in the leaves that signaled its presence.
Not having explored the source of the noise, he just assumed it was something sinister.
Like him, most of us are running in patterns of fear that we have no business with.
We can be chasing the bag,
That idea,
That business proposal,
But a little rustling of the leaves and you’re running with all your might in the other direction.
What we don’t realize is that it takes wisdom to be cautious.
But sometimes by being too cautious, we forget the delight of discovery we might have made if we stepped tenaciously into our forests and investigated our fears.
As we enter this New Year, I want to show you what I consider to be four of the most important C’s
- Courage
- Company
- Consistency
- Compassion
- Courage will lead you into the forest and help you forge ahead.
It’s what separates the men from the lads.
As a wise person once said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to keep moving in spite of it.”
2. The right Company will cheer you on.
Imagine if Mr. BetterMan had told someone about his problem, probably he would have found a much “better” way to handle his monster problem.
Your company matters but you got to use them.
3. Consistency is that fuel that sparks the fire of passion orange, that emboldens, that keeps one trudging, testing, even in undesirable circumstances.
We all need a lot of this especially after the slowness of last year that not only made some of us unable to meet our deadlines but made us feel stuck.
Consistency is the fire your meat needs to cook on.
4. And finally, Compassion which keeps you steady, humble and wise.
As we set our feet into this New Year, like much better men, may we be moved to stick tenaciously to our goals, explore our weaknesses and not be afraid to seek out our fears on the other side of the wall.