” You & who? Please, I hate it in there,  Yes!!! I ‘m so scared passing through the kitchen door talk more of having a cool culinary experience. I mean, I might get my fingers chopped while chopping some food ingredients or even get a burn from the hot oil, plus who knows what other numerous scary incident occurs behind that door?” Those were Enel’s words to me when I told her how much I would really love to eat from her empty kitchen.

That up there is one of the reason why I’m here! Like I said in my introductory post, Mageirocophobia really exists and no matter what one does, without the proper solution, it’s not bound to stop anytime soon.

What if your spouse is annoyed because your cooking is terrible? What if you’re expecting a guest and your cooking is nothing to write home about and its late looking for an alternative? Then what happens if you are unable to cook because of your fear of cooking? What if you get badly hurt during the cooking process?

If all these questions go through your mind whenever you want to walk through the kitchen door to cook, you don’t need to beat yourself up, it’s okay to be afraid. You’re not an alien. That’s why I’m here today to try & help you overcome your fears.

First and foremost, you need to understand that it’s okay to be scared of making mistakes, and its fine you make the mistakes too. You need to embrace imperfection and allow it to be a part of your life. Accepting to be imperfect is taking one step to cooking better because every error teaches you about something correct. After all, what’s success without little imperfections here and there? Trust me, every world renowned chefs have had times when the salt was too much or the food was spicier than it’s original intent thereby damaging the taste of the food.

In today’s post, I will be sharing a tip from a lot of tips on how to overcome your cooking fears.

TIP 1: Cook With Your Friend

It feels more fun and relaxing cooking with someone who is more experienced and can put life into dead stuffs! It takes away the tense. It’s very important to start the journey with a friend with whom cooking is a life style because, cooking goes beyond mixing up some ingredients to boil and serve later. Start the journey with someone who will be wiling to take you through the process. Remember, this person you’re picking should be someone you vibe well with; no dull moment with him/her, there’s always something to talk about when they’re around, they’re funny etc. Have much fun like you do while singing under your shower. You know, that feeling of taking over the world with your voice, yes? Whilst in the process, you don’t have to do anything, all you need do is be present and look at how things are done.

Be sure to be cooking your best meal, as this will help you connect easily. Hopefully, I’ll be able to continue in some other post.

This is where we end today on tips to overcoming Mageirocophobia. Have you been experiencing a fear of cooking or cooking anxiety? Let me know about your feelings when it comes to cooking in the comment section below. And don’t also forget to rate this post.

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About the author

I'm Dav-Oz, and  I'm the Chief Editor of The Dav-Oz Blog, a graphic designer and upcoming fashion designer.

I'm just your regular young Nigerian lad with dreams and hope for a better future.

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